Digital News Report- The University of California, Santa Cruz has recently faced the possibility of cutting its Community Studies major, which could adversely affect many local non-profits. The major requires students to volunteer for two quarters with local organizations for class credit. The major, which has been around since 1969, is promoted as an, “interdisciplinary major that integrates scholarship and community engagement,” by the department.
The major has caused a lot of controversy in recent years, especially when David Horowitz used the department as an example of liberal universities indoctrinating students. He called the department, “the outline of a political agenda,” and called UCSC “the most radical university in the United States.” The College Republicans invited Horowitz to speak on campus and was met with crowds of protestors.
The proposed cuts would eliminate department staff such as advisers and place professors in other majors. The university has stated that current and proposed Community Studies majors would still be able to complete the degree.
In response to threatening to cut the program, students have turned to the web to gain support from the larger student body and Santa Cruz community. A facebook group called “Coalition to Save Community Studies” was quickly formed and word of the group began spreading like wildfire. In a matter of days the groups membership soared to over 2,000 people.