Digital News Report – The city of Watsonville will be discussing a controversial measure that would put fluoride in the drinking water. Although there is a grant involved, the fluoridation can cost the city money.
Both the Public Works Director, David Koch, and the Water Division Manager, Steve Palmisano, are recommending the council contract with the California Dental Association to fund fluoridation of the city water supply.
“A grant was offered to the City by the Fluoridation 2010 Work Group on February 13, 2002 in the amount of $946,000. Of the total, $817,000 was designated for the capital costs, including design, purchase and installation of the fluoridation facilities,” Koch said in a statement.
The remaining $129,000 would be used to operate the facility for one year. It is uncertain whether the city would be stuck paying for the facility and its maintenance after that.
City staff has been negotiating with the California Dental Association for over a year. There are opponents of this proposal and the voters of Watsonville rejected fluoridation back in 2002.
Since money is available in the form of a grant, the California Department of Health is ordering Watsonville to go forward with a plan to fluorinate the water, or face a $200 a day fine. “The Compliance Order also stated that failure to comply with the Order may result in fines of up to $200 per day,” Koch said.
State law says that if grant money is available, the city must fluorinate. If the grants run out after two years, there is no guarantee the city will continue fluorination.
By: Robert Williams
Fluoridation of your water system is both ineffective for teeth and dangerous to health.
See (www.fluoridealert.org) for scientific research studies showing this.
In addition it is an absolute waste of tax money. Consider the following.
Fluoridation is insanely inefficient with 99.5% of fluoridated water going down the drain in toilets, showers, dishwashers, washing machines, etc. thereby wasting 99.5% of the chemical cost. People only drink 0.5% of the water they use, and less than half of this 0.5% would be drunk by young children, the supposed target of this chemical. If you doubt this, you may wish to call your water department and ask them.
For example, for every $1000 of fluoride chemical added to water, $995 would be directly wasted down the drain, $5 would be consumed in water by the people, and less than $2.50 would be consumed by children. Can you think of a more wasteful government program?
It is illegal for companies to dump this toxic waste fluoride into lakes or streams; however, if they sell it to commuities it is profitable and is somehow now legal to dump it in the environment through our water systems. How illogical is this?
A plan to give away fluoride tablets free to whoever wants them would be much, much cheaper. Then the rest of us would not be drugged against our will and the environment would be protected.
Don’t do it!
The National Academy of Sciences did a thorough review of fluoride in 2006 which documents in detail its deleterious health effects, all 500 pages are available on-line, scary reading. Also 90% of the fluoride in our water is not medical grade sodium fluoride it is industrial waste scrubbed from phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida.
Chris Bryson in his excellent history of fluoridation in America points out that along with its crucial role in industry fluoride is essential to the production of nuclear weapons and the nuclear power industry. Prior to its being lauded as a health benefit there were tremendous lawsuit risks relating to damage from fluoride exposure. As this threatened so many powerful interests, we are in the absurd position we find ourselves in today, where the water supply is adulterated with a toxin. For those interested there are a number of write-ups on fluoride and a book review of Bryson’s book The Fluoride Deception here,
A few years back I reported a toxic spill to the EPA using their violation hot line. I reported my own community water department for discharging toxic fluoride from the waste water discharge pipe into the Rock River at a level of ( 0.8 ppm fluoride. Our city adds fluoride. Weeks went by and I did not get an answer to my email. I wasn’t born yesterday. They play the waiting game hoping you for get and go away. So I sent them another email. After a week I got a email from them saying the city was issued a permit from the Department of Natural Resources allowing them to discharge a toxic poison in to my river. Every water way belongs to the public. I am the public.
Once fluoride is put in the environment, it is there to stay. That is why no fluoride is so important. You distill water and the sludge left in the distiller gets flushed down the drain. A RO system uses three gallons of bad water to retrieve one gallon of good water. That filter ends up in some land fill site. The same with the alumni filters and others. If a person doesn’t want cancer, stop fluoridation. Fluoridation is cancer. A cancer that is growing in leaps and bounds every time a community adds fluoride.