Digital News Report- From the moment he was elected, there have been mountains of strange President Obama merchandise being hawed on the street, on TV and at retailers across the nation. Almost immediately, commercials began running for the “Historic Victory Plates” and the (uncirculated) official Obama Coins. Other strange items include Obama lip-gloss, wine, bobble heads, coffee blends, and certain unmentionables that I dare not even name here. There are also birthday cards, playing cards, lighters, and so on. The list is endless.
Now that he has taken the Oath of Office, the political swag production shows no sign of slowing. As a matter of fact, the makers of the Chia Pet have released a “Chia Obama,” on inauguration day to “honor our 44th US President.” The product is available exclusively at their website. You can plant the Chia seeds directly on the President’s hand crafted clay head and watch it grow.