Digital News Report- In an effort to spread holiday cheer, Vonage recently announced that throughout the holiday season, its customers will be able to once again dial 1-700-CALLSANTA from a Vonage phone line and hear a recorded greeting from Santa Claus. After hearing the message, they will be able to leave Santa a message telling him what they want for Christmas.
As an additional customer service, the recorded message will be sent to the account holder’s e-mail address so they know exactly what their child asked Santa to bring them. The audio attachment can be forwarded to other family members and friends, or even set aside as a keepsake.
Starting at 5:00pm EST on December 24, callers can track Santa’s whereabouts as he delivers toys around the world by dialing 1-700-CALLSANTA.
However, an independent website has the option of having Santa call the children first. Christmas Dialer (http://www.christmasdialer.com/) was introduced in the beginning of December and was created by the people who brought you Prank Dialer. After inputting your phone number you can choose what message you want Santa to send and moments later he will call the number you designated.