Digital News Report- I cried. I admit it. I can’t believe I ever doubted Ron D Moore. The last several episodes had me worried, but the finales pulled out all the stops and I was very satisfied. A warning to readers who haven’t watched the episode yet: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS HERE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Battlestar Galactica will go down in history as one of the best Science Fiction shows ever made. Though many blogs and forums have exploded in outrage over the apparent Deus ex Machina ending, there was almost no way to avoid fan disapproval to some degree. The writing of the show has been so good that many fans have trouble accepting anything other than the perfect ending that they created in their heads. However, not everyone’s ending is the same. I got lucky. The finale exceeded my expectations.
The first hour contained what probably constituted 90% of the special effects budget for the season. If you wanted Galactica to go out with a bang, I don’t see who you could be disappointed. It was the perfectly executed suicide run. The second hour was spent explaining all of the mysteries that we’ve been speculating about.
The most poignant moment for me was the reveal of the Opera House. The relationship between Baltar and Caprica Six has been building since the first hour of the mini series. Just when you think there is no way the two will be reunited, God intervenes with his Angels and brings the first human-cylon couple who fell in love back together. I was literally shouting “Oh my Gods” at the screen during the entire sequence.
However, it wasn’t until Kara was saying her goodbyes to Anders that I really broke down and cried. Honestly, I made Adama’s breakdown after Tigh revealed himself as a Cylon look tame. From there on out there was no stopping the flow of tears. It was the most beautiful way to end a show that had been so dark, mysterious, and tragic.
Many fans have criticized the reliance on God as an active player in the series. But I wonder, just what show have they been watching? God has been a central theme since the mini series and has played a role in nearly every major plot development since then. This is a work of fiction, so leave your atheist rage at the door. In the Battlestar Galactica universe, God is real and he has no problem with sending his angels to intervene.
So, I really recommend this series for anyone and everyone. If you have a friend who has not yet seen it, sit them down and make them watch the mini-series. If they aren’t hooked, well, make them watch 33. If they aren’t hooked by then, they never will be. But if they enjoy it, they are in store for the best four seasons of television in Science Fiction history (Star Trek fans, please don’t write me any angry letters for that one).
“Deus ex Machina ending” OK, that one sent me to Wikipedia.
Ha, glad I could teach you a new term. I picked that up studying film and television for four years. Glad my education paid off. :)